Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Been a bit...

Sorry its been a bit since my last time on here. Not too much exciting things going on. Phillip is finishing up his last few tests for this semester!!! YEAH!!! One more full semester and then we start clinical's next year. He will be done before we know it. Pray for him during this last semester. He is growing weary of being in school and I know he is looking forward to getting out there and using all this knowledge he has been given. Pray for him to finish well. Also, pray for us as we decide where to do our three clinical rotations. The first one is two months long which he will do here in Dallas at a hospital. The next two are four months long and we are still determining where those will be done. Pray for God's leading in our lives at this time. Also, another big prayer request is for the sale of our home. We will be putting it on the market within the next month. Its hard not to think about how bad things are right now in the housing market but I know that God will sell that house when its the right time and not a day before. Pray that we would be patient and trust in Him during this time. Would love to hear from any of you. Send me an email at Better run! Love you all!