Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Joining the blog world...

So yes, I have decided to start a blog. I have given into the pressure. I have no idea who will read it or if anyone will at all, but here goes a try. I figure most people want to read about kids and of course we don't have any yet so that might be a holdup for some. But I figured I could write about the exciting adventures of our life whether it be the small things of everyday or the big exciting news we have to share. And no, we don't have any to share right now for those of you who are wondering. Seems like from the first day you get married, everyone reads into everything whether it be a comment you make, sickness, or the dreaded weight gain that comes with marriage. And what do they all think it is related to???? PREGNANCY!!!! See I got you skimmers attention didn't I??? :) Trust me folks, you will know when we are going to have a baby! There won't have to be a guessing game that comes with that! You will know! Right now we are just trying to get my sweet husband through Physical Therapy school. That's the goal! And a goal it is! December of 2009! Some semesters are easier than others. This one has been exceptionally great. A lighter semester means a much happier and more available husband. Good for me! Now the last one....well not so great. Very rough but we survived and of course he did wonderfully! Now I think I kind of know what my mom felt like when my dad was going to seminary way back when. Course they had Holly by then and I came along during that time. So maybe I can't fully understand but I can at least somewhat feel her pain. I always remember hearing the missionary wives talk about the seminary days and they would laugh and wonder how they ever survived. At the time, I never understood what they meant but now I do. Its a growing experience for any marriage as you are pulled and tugged in many directions. I keep telling Phillip...a short term sacrifice for a long term benefit...thats how I see it anyways. Oh, and the meaning behind the title. I am sure many of you have heard Randy Travis' song "Forever and ever amen". Well, thats our song and I think its a perfect description of us! You should listen to that if you haven't ever heard it before. Great lyrics! Anyways, I guess thats it for now. I better get back to work! As for what to expect from this blog...well...guess you will just have to come back and see! Life is full of surprises and funnies! You never know what I may have to tell you about! Later!


Lacy said...

I don't think I told you before but I love that picture of you and Phillip! I have it up on our fridge!
Welcome to the blogging world!

natalie said...

good to see you on here. and i will read it even if it is just the small and large of the day to day.
ps. thanks for including me as a friend

kathyw said...

Way to go, Beffy! You know that I will read and enjoy ... just as I have all your life! I have a hard time changing my lipstick color without calling you to see if it is okay! :-)
Love you bunches,
Aunt Kathy